Sunday, December 7, 2008


These are a few things I started writing and for whatever reason stopped. Also I think I'm going to start posting photos on occasion. I've be toying with the idea of taking one photo each day for a whole year, and have those photos say something about me, my life, or just that day. On to the scraps.....

When it comes to the paranormal it is typically thought that spirits or entities are energy. This is why people are able to monitor spirit activity with devices that monitor energy. When it comes to science it' is known that their are several forms of energy, some including: Kinetic, Potential, and Heat. It is understood that sometimes coldspots represent potential spirit activity because it is drawing the heat(energy) from the surrounding area. It is also known that their are several differant forms of hauntings. Could the form of energy possibly lead to the form of haunting?

Energy can not be created or destroyed. So what exactly happens to the energy we have at the time of death. It can not just dissapear. Is this left over energy what causes spirit activity and hauntings? Would the amount of energy affect wether the activity is risidual or intellegent?


Cute little families in the crisp November air, mingling around the rest stop with bright smiles, we're in Kentucky now. My mother is always slower than me, and I have to stand around in between sinks and avoiding everyone's eye just to get some of that hand santizer. The soap in these places dry out my hands and the last thing I need to do is add to my displeasure. Finnaly she gets out and I just want to take the whole bottle and rub around my body because suddenly I feel covered in germs and I can't stop thinking about how much shit just got on the bottem of my house slippers. Heading out to the car I can't help noticing everyones bright little faces as they travel to see their family for the holiday and all I'm thikning is: Bah humbug... wrong holiday.
Well there is one good thing, and no, it's not the three and half hour drive with my parents, it's the turkey and my mother's homemade dinner rolls. She made so many of them last night because she made regular ones and then whole wheat ones for my father, but you see she's never done that before so they weren't right and she had to remake them. After that she found out that the whole wheat shit had whey in it and my Aunt is lactosintolerent so she had to make even more rolls and then she had to make the traditional cinimonrolls. I made a cherry pie, which consisted of open can, open can, open pie crust, roll out, open pie crust, roll out, place in pan, dump can, dump can, cut in strips, place strips in criss-cross on top. I also cut vegetables and made deviled eggs. Why are they called deviled eggs? And why do you eat them at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Are we welcomeing lucifer to our festivities through hard boiled eggs or am I thinking too much into this. I do that . Now and again.

Sitting in this car with headphones snug in my ears, I try not to think about the impending doom of family relations on my father's side of the tree. My senile grandmother who has been locked away for her bitchiness and forgetfulness, my shaky sick aunt Debbie, my depressed childish silly grandpa. I can only hope we leave when they have to cart grandma back off to the nursing home and I can only pray this turkey and gravy and mash potatoes are delicious and not some regurgated store backed shit from Krogers. It seems these last fews years that my Grandparents and Aunt seem to think this mockery of food is perfectly acceptable for family gatherings, well listen here, because I beg to differ. Family gatherings are really just about the food, no one really wants to hear how you can't get a job because I can't get one either, and no one wants to see you bumbling about grandma loosing her mind, because we all saw it coming. It's days like this I just want to stay in bed and skip entirely, then wake up and have a leftover turkey sandwhich and some warmed up rolls and that sparkling grape juice and just wish over and over that my family wasn't Mormon and drank alcohol because that's how normal people make it through the holidays with their family. I won't even get to huff up a clove cigarette and feel like I'm walking through clouds for a few minutes. Something has to give, but it won't.

I hope no one wants me to talk.
Especially not about school, or my future.
I'm here for the turkey! Goble goble goble.

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